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Becoming a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst in CT

What board certification means and how to get it in Connecticut

In 2018, Connecticut joined Rhode Island to become another New England state requiring board certification for its Board Certified Behavior Analysts, or BCBAs. Behavior analysts work in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis, conducting ABA therapy, which is a scientifically backed method to help children with autism adjust behaviors associated with negative outcomes.

On average, postgraduates report satisfaction with a chosen career in ABA therapy. Working with an organization like The SEED Center will guarantee that your hard work in school will be put to immediate use with real children and families navigating autism in Stamford, Greenwich, and Norwalk, as well as other locations in Fairfield County.

Behavior Analyst Qualifications

In order to become a behavior analyst, one has to have extensive education and training. You must earn a graduate degree in the field or in a related field of psychology, gain necessary hands-on experience in different settings, and — of course — get board certification. Certification is handled by the Behavior Analysis Certification Board (BACB), which is based in Littleton, CO.

Factors Involved in Certification

Gaining board certification means successfully taking and passing the Behavior Analysis Certification Board’s exam (also called the BACB exam.) But, before you can take the exam, you have to qualify for it by completing the necessary behavior-analytic coursework, faculty teaching and research, or postdoctoral experience. Then you’ll need to maintain your certification by retaking the test every two years, continuing to adhere to ethical codes set forth by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board, and meeting continued education requirements.

What You Can Do with Board Certification

The psychological knowledge and hands-on experience you gain as a BCBA can take you in any number of directions professionally. The skills of a behavior analyst easily translate into autism services for schools, hospitals, healthcare, social work, or other private work. With the high level of education behavior analysts have likely already attained, a doctoral degree and other academic paths are also open to them.

Benefits of Respite Care for Families Living with Autism

Autism Services Are Available

Parents who are raising a child with autism truly understand the small joys in life and while it can be very rewarding, there are times where a little ‘me-time’ is not selfish but a requirement to live a happy life. Many parents put aside their own physical and mental health, partners, friends, and interests to solely focus on their child. The ‘me-time’ is all but forgotten in large part because there is not someone willing or able to watch or care for your autistic child. That is where respite care comes in.

What is Respite Care?

According to the National Institute of Health, the respite care definition is “short-term relief for primary caregivers. It can be arranged for just an afternoon or for several days or weeks. Care can be provided at home, in a healthcare facility, or at an adult day center.”

Autism services like respite care throughout Stamford, Greenwich, and Norwalk, CT

For a parent with an autistic child, this could be having someone come into your home and play with your son or daughter while you do laundry, pay bills, or just relax. It could also be a weekend getaway camp, where other children on the spectrum can bond and have fun. There are a variety of respite care options for any family.

What are the Benefits of Respite Care for Families with Autism?

Improved Marital Quality – There are few autism services that help a marriage bond like respite care. Having time to spend together focused only on your marriage can alleviate many worries in life.

Less Stress – Having the ability to focus on other tasks that may be causing you stress, or to unwind for a few hours can lower your body’s cortisol levels, relieving many common tensions.

Improved Health – Studies have shown better overall health for those parents and children partaking in respite care services. This includes fewer hospital visits, and those diagnosed with chronic medical conditions.

Relieves Financial Strain – According to the National Respite Coalition, providing planned respite care costs about $10-$12 per hour, less costly than placing children in out-of-home care.

Autism Services for Stamford, Greenwich, & Norwalk, CT

If you are parenting a child with autism, the SEED Center of Stamford is here to help you. There are not enough people seeking out respite care because they are scared or worried—you do not have to be. We have a knowledgeable and friendly staff ready to assist in personalized autism services that are right for you and your family. There are many joys having a child on the spectrum, but there is no denying the daily challenge—it is okay to take a break for yourself. It is needed. If you are interested in respite care services or want to learn about the autism services we offer throughout Stamford, Greenwich, and Norwalk, CT, contact our office today. We look forward to serving the needs of you and your loved ones.

Explore These Educational ABA Resources

Explore These Educational ABA Resources

As our country continues to grapple with the COVID-19 crisis, more and more children are being forced to learn from home. Unfortunately, it can prove quite difficult for kids to make the transition from a dedicated educational environment to their standard living spaces. The same can be said for children engaged in ABA therapy.

Keeping this in mind, our team has develop a handy resource of free ABA materials for families of children with autism. We understand that children on the autism spectrum are visual learners, so the provided worksheets can effectively convey all sorts of concepts and ideas. Be sure to browse the following sections to access an array of ABA materials that are focused on academic, social, and behavioral skills!

Academic Resources

The following websites offer all sorts of printable worksheets and activities. These free resources focus on an array of subjects, including reading, math, and much more!

ABA Therapy Materials

These particular resources have been specifically developed to provide worksheets and activities that improve communication and behavioral skills.


As always, you’re more than welcome to contact one of the knowledgeable representatives at the SEED Center of Stamford if you’re interested in learning more about modern ABA therapy. Our certified team offers a full suite of autism services designed to assist families throughout Norwalk, CT and all the surrounding communities.

Helping Individuals with Autism During the Holiday Season

Helping Individuals with Autism During the Holiday Season

The upcoming holiday season is often very much anticipated by people as it brings a lot of joy to their lives as they go shopping for their family and friends and make memories that will last a lifetime. It’s a time for beautiful decorations, cookie baking, parties, and more. While this time of year can be very joyful, it can also be very stressful, especially for those on the autism spectrum. All of the sights and sounds of the season can be overwhelming for these individuals as it over-stimulates them. Changes in familiar routines as you go to family events and parties, or even travel out of town, can be especially stressful for individuals with autism. This joyful time of year can often become too overwhelming.

Unhappy child on Christmas

To help decrease your child’s anxiety during this time and increase your family’s enjoyment consider some of the following tips:

Make it a point to be prepared. Depending on the amount of anxiety certain events bring to your child, it’s important to adjust how many days in advance you’ll need to start getting your child prepared for upcoming festivities. You could use a calendar to show when the event is and create a countdown to the event, so they know it is coming up.

Determine what decoration may be disruptive. Since some individuals with autism have difficulty with change and sensory, it’s important to involve them in the decorating process. Figure out what decorations they like and don’t like by looking at pictures in books. Take your child shopping with you and allow them to pick out decorations. Decorations might not be feasible with some individuals, and that is okay.

Decorate gradually. Too much change at once can be triggering for individuals with autism. Take time to decorate your house and have your child help where they can. Create a decorating schedule or visual so they know what is coming up next. At this point, you may need to take down or move other decorations that you leave up year-round. This might be triggering, so it is important to involve your child in this process.

Talk about the decorations. Some decorations might be disruptive, and others may seem like toys. Make sure you let your child know which can be touched and which should not be touched. Make sure you are direct, specific, and consistent.

Create a book of past holidays. Creating such a book will help your child remember and get ready for your family’s preparations and traditions.

Plan for traveling. Make sure your child’s favorite toys, books, and foods are available as familiar things can help keep them calm during stressful situations. If they are traveling for the first time to an airport, it’s a great idea to visit the airport before traveling so they can get accustomed to the surroundings. Rehearse or read books to your children that show what will happen during their travels either by car or plane.

Create a photo album. Your child may be around friends and family they have never seen before or haven’t seen in months which could be especially stressful to them. By creating a photo album of your relatives, your child can get familiar with them before any event.

Role play gifting etiquette. This is a great opportunity to role play with your child so they learn how to unwrap presents, take turns, give gifts, and react when it’s not really a gift they wanted.

Contact Us

At The SEED Center, serving the Stamford, Greenwich, and Norwalk, CT area, we strive to help families and individuals with autism through our autism services. We help individuals and families who are impacted by ASD by offering intensive ABA therapy. We offer social skills groups for various ages and provide parent training to best help individuals reach their full potential. If the holidays are coming up and you are looking for ways to help your child, contact us and we can help. It is important to know the fears of your child and what triggers them as this will help make the season more enjoyable for them. Don’t stress yourself out, just make sure you plan ahead and let our team help assist through our autism services. Call today!

Everything You Need to Know About Navigating Insurance and ABA Services

On January 1, 2010, Connecticut passed the autism insurance bill entitled Substitute Senate Bill 301/Public Act 09-115, requiring meaningful coverage for autism under state-regulated plans. These services include diagnosis, behavioral therapy, prescription drugs, psychiatric or psychological care, and speech, occupational, or physical therapy. In 2014, the dollar and age caps were removed for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) coverage. The SEED Center is an in-network provider for ABA services with United Healthcare, Aetna, ConnectiCare, Oxford Health Plans, UMR, First Health, and Coventry, with more insurance companies to be added in the near future! As an in-network provider, The SEED Center bills your insurance company directly and the client is only responsible for a co-pay or a payment towards the deductible, depending on the insurance company. Finding an in-network provider for your child’s ABA services makes the process of receiving coverage easier overall.

Below are the 4 distinct, but overlapping services required for ABA therapy, which insurance companies typically cover:

  • Direct (to client) by Behavior Technician: Behavior Technicians provide ABA therapy directly to the client
  • Supervision by BCBA or LMHP: The Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) or Licensed Mental Health Professional (LMHP) will supervise the Behavior Technician during services to ensure the behavior interventions are being implemented, and that data is being collected consistently and in line with the behavior program.
  • Direct (to parent/caregiver) by BCBA or LMHP: The BCBA or LMHP provides services directly to the parent or caregiver. Training is provided on the ABA strategies and interventions that have been successful in the client’s sessions and can be carried out when the Behavior Technician is not present.
  • Assessment and Treatment Planning by a BCBA or LMHP: These services include reviewing treatment notes, creating materials, inputting and graphing data, updating data sheets, and modifying treatment plans. (Please note: these additional, non face-to-face services with the client are required for an ABA program and are subject to deductibles, co-pays, and/or co-insurance.)

Insurance Authorization

All insurance companies require a formal autism diagnosis for coverage of ABA services to be considered. A copy of your insurance card must be submitted for verification of benefits.

Once an insurance authorization is received, the appropriate ABA assessment is selected based on the individual client’s needs. An assessment is an essential step of developing an ABA program and is used to guide the clinical rationale for services, as well as determine the number of ABA service hours requested from the insurance company.

ABA assessments typically include:

  • Intake Meeting: 1-hour appointment with the parent/guardian or client to obtain background information
  • Client Assessment: 2-4 hours of assessment with the client, often spread over 2 days
  • Evaluation Processing: 2-4 hours without the client present for scoring, report writing, and developing the treatment plan and ABA programs
  • Feedback Meeting: A 1-hour feedback meeting with the parent/guardian or client to go over assessment results, service recommendations, an on-going service schedule, and start date

Approval of Requested Service Hours

The number of hours an insurance company approves for ABA services varies from individual to individual. Some factors that impact the amount of authorized hours are clinical rationale for services, age, severity of skill deficits, previous ABA progress, and other ABA services being received in school. The hours requested by the BCBA or LMHP in the insurance authorization for ABA services, are based on the level of need reflected in the ABA assessment.

Client Financial Responsibility

Clients are responsible for co-pays, co-insurance, and/or deductibles, which is determined by your insurance company and are due at the time of services. The SEED Center submits invoices to insurance for in-network services. If you have out-of-network coverage with your insurance, you may be able to submit your paid invoices directly to your insurance company for reimbursement. Private pay options are also available at The SEED Center.

Making the Best Out of the Situation

COVID-19 When it Comes to ABA Therapy

Studies have shown that in order for ABA therapy to be effective, treatment must be intensive and consistent. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the precautions needed to eliminate the spread of the virus, many therapy centers and clinics have been forced to re-evaluate procedures in order to keep both staff and clients safe and healthy. 

During these challenging times, continuing with ABA therapy consistently is essential for your child’s growth and development. At The SEED Center of Stamford, we offer center-based and home-based therapy options for our clients. Our staff is dedicated to working with families to create a plan that best fits your child’s needs, keeping them on schedule, and continuing their ABA therapy. At this time, we have put a hold on all in-person group therapy sessions, as proper protocol does not allow sessions to remain safe and effective.  However, we will continue to offer telehealth options for our families.

Prior to COVID-19, most of our clients attended therapy sessions with us after school and during evening hours; however due to the pandemic your child’s school schedule may have been affected.  At this time, we are able to accommodate most schedule changes and see your child during school day hours for ABA therapy. 

If you have any questions regarding your child’s ABA therapy, please feel free to contact The SEED Center today. We truly care about your child and their development and are dedicated to helping our families during these uncertain times.

Are you worried about what your child’s upcoming school year will look like?

Are you concerned about what your school district’s plan is for the upcoming school year? Have you considered homeschooling your child with autism, but are daunted by the task? The SEED Center is here for you, and we can help you prepare and succeed! There are many different options and factors to take into account when homeschooling a child with autism, but with a little planning and research it can be a successful experience! With a flexible schedule, you can easily fit ABA therapy into your busy day and we’re here to help with that!

Advantages of homeschooling a child with autism

  • Allows parents to orchestrate their child’s environment, education, and social experiences
  • Provides an individualized program tailored to the child’s unique talents, needs, and interests.
  • Permits your child to take breaks, avoid triggers, and limit social frustrations, making it easier to learn.
  • Provides a safe, loving environment to learn in.
  • Parents have a chance to watch their child grow and learn firsthand.
  • Ensures your child is getting the correct resources to provide a sound education.
  • Special education teachers may be generalists and may have little to no experience with autism.

Tips for homeschooling your child with autism

  • Work with high-level interest topics-incorporate them into your child’s lesson plan.
  • Empower your child by getting them involved in educational decisions.
  • Encourage real-world socialization by integrating high-level interest topics into lessons (for example, if your child is interested in dinosaurs or a certain time period, take them on a trip to the museum.)
  • Incorporate physical exercise/movement breaks into your homeschool routine.
  • Stick to a schedule, but build breaks into the daily routine.
  • Know when to ask for help-homeschooling can be an overwhelming task, so make sure to reach out for resources if you need them.
  • Limit outside stimulation if your child is triggered or distracted by them.


There are a wide variety of curriculum options for homeschooling. Parents and caregivers should take into account their child’s learning style and development when considering homeschool curriculum. 

Possible curriculum options include:

  • All-in-one: same grade level and delivery method for all academics
  • Computer-based learning programs
  • School-at-home style textbooks and workbooks
  • Eclectic: parents pick and choose parts of different homeschooling resources
  • Unschooling: driven by student interest and life experiences, not formal lessons

Let The SEED Center be a part of your “school day!” We have availability both in the center and in your home, 7 days a week, between 8am and 8pm! We understand how difficult it is teaching your own child at home-let your child come learn and grow with us…while you take some time for yourself! 

Parenting Tips During COVID-19

Parenting Tips During COVID-19

Suggestions for Parenting a Child with Autism During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As most classrooms and curricula are built around children without autism, at-home learning can be an opportunity for your child with autism to excel. While not every parent has the time to tackle home learning full time, you may want to utilize as much time as possible to make sure your child is staying occupied and entertained in way that fits with their learning patterns.

We encourage you to keep the following tips in mind while parenting during COVID-19:

  •  Create a schedule.​ Your child will respond well when they understand what to expect each day. From learning to playing, everything can be put on the schedule so that your child knows exactly what to expect minute to minute.
  •  Establish a routine.​ A predictable routine will give your child a sense of consistency, which is especially important when their past routines have been disrupted by the pandemic.
  •  Build activities around their interests​. Most children with autism have special interests and have the ability to place intense focus on those interests. Building fun and learning around these interests can keep them happy and satisfied.
  •   Create rewards for positive behaviors​. COVID-19 has likely disrupted your entire household, not just your child’s life. Keeping things positive and rewarding good behavior is always a good idea.
  •   Take time to assess how they’re doing​. All children can become overwhelmed, but children with autism may express this differently. As the parent, you’re likely an expert at interpreting their mood. Be sure to make the time to assess how they’re doing.As the threat of COVID-19 continues to impact the way we live, keep in mind that nothing is set in stone, and you are the person who knows your child best. We encourage you to use these tips as a jumping off point for creating a good at-home environment for your child. And remember to give yourself room and don’t expect things to be perfect.If you need help, don’t forget that The SEED Center of Stamford is here to provide Applied Behavior Analysis therapy (ABA therapy) and other autism services you need. We can provide these services at our state-of-the-art autism treatment center or in the comfort and safety of your own home throughout Fairfield County.

Call today to learn more about what we do and how we’re continuing to assist children with autism and their parents during the time of COVID-19 and beyond!

Benefits of Home-Based Services

As our office starts to fill again with center-based clients, we at The SEED Center are encouraging and promoting our home-based services! To ensure social distancing, we are limiting one therapist and one client per room at the center, so while we would love to have you at the center, right now we are trying our best to ensure we practice our ABA therapy safely and cleanly. We understand this is an uncertain time, but you and your child’s health, safety, and peace of mind are our number one priority. The SEED Center is taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of clients and staff, both home- and center-based, during the COVID-19 pandemic, including requiring wearing face masks, practicing social distancing, conducting staff meetings remotely, and conducting daily temperature checks for clients and staff! We also provide employees with rubber gloves, cleaning wipes, hand sanitizer, and disposable face masks.

Benefits of home-based services

You may be wondering, if my child has been doing center-based ABA services, will switching to home-based services hurt the progress they have made so far? The answer is no! Home-based services allows for a different but familiar environment to receive ABA therapy, and allows different skills and situations to be practiced and targeted more effectively.

  1. Adaptive Skills

By choosing home-based ABA services, there is an added emphasis and focus on practical, everyday skills. It allows behaviors more likely to be exhibited in a natural environment to be targeted, such as toileting, mealtime, bedtime routines, getting dressed, or brushing teeth. Therapists are also better able to address behavioral issues that may arise, as they unfold.

  1. Undivided attention

While a center may have social skills groups and other clients at the same time as your child, home-based services allow ABA to be administered with your child’s undivided attention. ABA therapy in the home allows for more focus and one-on-one time to devote to working on skills and programs. Undivided attention can be used to focus on important skills such as pre-academic skills, play skills, and other skills that may lead to more independence.

  1. Generalization

By learning and building skills in a natural environment, children are more likely to continue these encouraged behaviors elsewhere. Home-based ABA services will help your child develop and practice necessary skills on a daily basis. Teaching skills in the space the child will use every day can speed up learning, and these skills can be generalized to other environments, like school or daycare.

  1. Family Training

Children typically feel most comfortable in the presence of their parents and caregivers. Inclusion of family members and caregivers has been found to play a vital role in ABA treatment. Parents and caregivers are actively able to participate in home sessions, keep track of their child’s progress more effectively, as well as observe the therapist and see how they execute ABA programs. It allows the whole family to get involved and learn how different techniques can improve behavior. While observing parent behavior, the therapist can give data-based feedback to them on how they are progressing when working with their child. Home-based services also foster more open communication between therapists and caregivers.

  1. Natural Reinforcers

The most effective reinforcers in ABA therapy are those that motivate the learner. Toys and activities already in the home that the child like playing with or doing are great tools that can be used to increase motivation and reinforce desired behavior.

  1. Convenience

Since ABA therapy can take a few months to start showing proper results, it may be difficult or become difficult for parents to take their child to a center for sessions. Home-based ABA services make it convenient for families to integrate therapy into their busy schedule, while also letting parents actively engage and take part in their child’s therapy.


Contact Our Autism Treatment Center in Stamford, CT to Learn More

At The SEED Center of Stamford, we’re proud to provide quality ABA therapy services for children and adolescents across Stamford, Greenwich, Norwalk, CT and the surrounding communities. If your child has been diagnosed with autism, we’re here to help. Our autism treatment center is a state-of-the-art facility that specializes in working with individuals with developmental disorders. While at-home services may not be ideal for everyone, we strive to meet the needs of every child and adolescent that walks through our door. If you’re interested in learning more about our ABA therapy options, contact our office in Stamford, CT.

Have Any Questions About Our Services During the Pandemic?

The SEED Center of Stamford is currently open and providing services at the center, direct. We are essential providers and we will be here for all of your needs during this difficult time. We are doing some telehealth, but we have begun seeing more and more families in person at their home or at our center. In this blog post we will detail a few of the autism services we provide for families across the Stamford, CT; Greenwich, CT; and Norwalk, CT areas and the precautions we are taking to make sure everyone in your family stays healthy and safe.

Our Services

As stated above, we are open and providing all of our essential therapeutic services to children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Whether you come and visit us at our conveniently located center in Stamford, CT or you would like us to come to your home, we will work with your loved one using applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy.

ABA therapy is an evidence-based treatment that is recognized as the most effective way to treat individuals with ASD. ABA therapy is endorsed as an effective intervention for autism by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the United States Surgeon General. We are accredited by the Behavioral Health Center of Excellence and we continue to improve our ABA services.

Keeping Employees Safe

At The SEED Center of Stamford, we aim to protect our workforce by enacting all appropriate prevention efforts. We are constantly monitoring guidance from local, state and federal health
officials and making modifications where appropriate.

Some of the modifications that we have already made at our facility include routine cleanings and disinfection (especially of common areas); avoiding the use of phones, desks, offices and other work equipment when possible; enforcing the frequent washing of hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; wearing of masks that completely cover the nose and mouth; and more. Our goal is to keep those we care for as safe as possible and that starts with ensuring our workers are all following proper guidelines.

Keeping You Safe

Whether you come to visit us at our center, or we come to your home, there are several things that we do to ensure you and your loved ones are safe. We will always follow the guidelines that we have listed above that include the use of hand sanitizer, masks and proper social distancing, and we have taken even further precautions to ensure your health won’t be negatively affected when seeing us.

We now schedule sessions with no more than one client and one therapist per therapy room at a time. The waiting room is now structured in a way to ensure that visitors can maintain social distancing, and we require visitors to wear face masks that completely cover the nose and mouth (unless doing so would be contrary to his or her health or safety due to medical conditions). Please note, if you do not have a mask when visiting, you will be provided one if available. If none are available, you will not be allowed to enter the facility until you can procure a mask.

Should you have any further questions about our services or what we can do for you during this difficult time, we ask that you reach out to our team at your earliest convenience; we look forward to working with you and your family member soon.