Autism Services Are Available

Parents who are raising a child with autism truly understand the small joys in life and while it can be very rewarding, there are times where a little ‘me-time’ is not selfish but a requirement to live a happy life. Many parents put aside their own physical and mental health, partners, friends, and interests to solely focus on their child. The ‘me-time’ is all but forgotten in large part because there is not someone willing or able to watch or care for your autistic child. That is where respite care comes in.

What is Respite Care?

According to the National Institute of Health, the respite care definition is “short-term relief for primary caregivers. It can be arranged for just an afternoon or for several days or weeks. Care can be provided at home, in a healthcare facility, or at an adult day center.”

Autism services like respite care throughout Stamford, Greenwich, and Norwalk, CT

For a parent with an autistic child, this could be having someone come into your home and play with your son or daughter while you do laundry, pay bills, or just relax. It could also be a weekend getaway camp, where other children on the spectrum can bond and have fun. There are a variety of respite care options for any family.

What are the Benefits of Respite Care for Families with Autism?

Improved Marital Quality – There are few autism services that help a marriage bond like respite care. Having time to spend together focused only on your marriage can alleviate many worries in life.

Less Stress – Having the ability to focus on other tasks that may be causing you stress, or to unwind for a few hours can lower your body’s cortisol levels, relieving many common tensions.

Improved Health – Studies have shown better overall health for those parents and children partaking in respite care services. This includes fewer hospital visits, and those diagnosed with chronic medical conditions.

Relieves Financial Strain – According to the National Respite Coalition, providing planned respite care costs about $10-$12 per hour, less costly than placing children in out-of-home care.

Autism Services for Stamford, Greenwich, & Norwalk, CT

If you are parenting a child with autism, the SEED Center of Stamford is here to help you. There are not enough people seeking out respite care because they are scared or worried—you do not have to be. We have a knowledgeable and friendly staff ready to assist in personalized autism services that are right for you and your family. There are many joys having a child on the spectrum, but there is no denying the daily challenge—it is okay to take a break for yourself. It is needed. If you are interested in respite care services or want to learn about the autism services we offer throughout Stamford, Greenwich, and Norwalk, CT, contact our office today. We look forward to serving the needs of you and your loved ones.