School Consulting

The Center for Social Enrichment and Educational Development is a state of the art, all-inclusive center for individuals with autism and other related disabilities, providing a wide range of therapies and services.

The Center for Social Enrichment and Educational Development, LLC (The SEED Center) is dedicated to helping schools provide an environment that allows students with Autism and related disorders the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Over the past 15 years, there has been a significant increase in the number of students being diagnosed with Autism. During this time, special education budgets have been reduced or maintained, despite this alarming increase. As consultants, our goal is to:

1. Assist public school districts overcome difficulties in addressing the increasing needs of students with Autism.

2. Assist public schools in complying with the federal mandates such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), for students with Autism.

3. Assist public school in developing in-district programs to prevent students with Autism from being placed out of district.

Our team is made up of experienced and knowledgeable consultants with extensive backgrounds working with children and adolescents with Autism in school, home and community settings. Our experience has allowed us to provide educators and parents the tools and knowledge necessary to teach children with Autism in a way that is easy to understand and apply. Our proven techniques have provided administrators, teachers, therapists and paraprofessionals the tools they need to implement best-practice strategies. As personnel become more knowledgeable and confident, they can address a wider range of students’ needs and prevent students from being placed out-of-district and potentially return students already placed out of district. Consultation services are based on the most contemporary “best practice” approaches to assessment, education and treatment. All approaches are researched based and aligned with Response to Intervention (RTI) standards. We carefully tailor our services to the specific needs of each student, classroom, school building, or school district.


  •     Staff training and professional development
  •     Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan
  •     Applied Behavior Analysis
  •     Collaborative Problem Solving
  •     Social Skills Training
  •     Life Skills and Career Development
  •     Curriculum Development and Instructional Design
  •     Autism Classroom Program Development
  •     Returning students placed out of district

We welcome the opportunity for your school district to undertake a comprehensive initial needs assessment of your existing program for students with ASD. After this assessment our consultants will provide extensive feedback designed to help determine your district’s needs. Our comprehensive team looks forward to taking the next step with you.

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